Root Rot Task Force

Stop The Rot

What We Did

Website Design & Development

The Client

The Root Rot Task Force is a collaborative initiative led by Alberta Pulse Growers, Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers, and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, aimed at spearheading coordinated efforts across Western Canada to combat root rot in peas and lentils. This group is dedicated to addressing the complex challenges faced by pulse growers as a result of root rot diseases, which significantly impact crop health and yield. The organization’s mission is to eliminate the threat of root rot through a unified, industry-wide approach, fostering collaboration among growers, researchers, and industry stakeholders across Western Canada. By pooling resources and knowledge, the Task Force seeks to develop sustainable, long-term solutions that protect the pulse sector and ensure the continued success of pulse crop production in the region.

The Project

The Root Rot Task Force sought the development of a new website to better serve its strategic goals. The original Root Rot Task Force website was primarily designed as an event hub. However, since its launch and the conclusion of the event, the need for a central research repository shared by pulse-growing regions in Western Canada had emerged. 


Develop a new, responsive website that aligns with the Root Rot Task Force's brand and is guided by their strategic vision.

Our team conducted in-depth interviews with key stakeholders to inform a well-thought-out plan and updated website copy. As part of the redesign, we expanded the existing color palette, incorporating bold and bright colors to enhance visual variety within the Root Rot brand. Icons and visual elements are used to create engagement as users navigate the site, ensuring a user-friendly experience with clear pathways through the content, emphasized by bold buttons and color blocking.

To create visual interest while maintaining focus on the website’s core content, we opted for an abstract visual in the banner at the top of the page, replacing traditional photography. This abstract, root-like design aligns with the theme of the site while avoiding imagery that could distract from the essential information on the page. This thoughtful approach ensures that the website remains clean, accessible, and visually appealing, all while supporting the Root Rot Task Force's mission to protect pulse crops across Western Canada.

The Results

With the successful launch of their new website, the Root Rot Task Force now possesses the enhanced functionality and flexibility required to support their evolving needs. The site’s design and features are fully aligned with the Task Force's strategic vision, providing a robust platform that can be easily updated and expanded as their initiatives grow. This redesigned website not only meets their current objectives but also serves as a scalable resource hub, empowering them to further their mission of eradicating root rot in pulse crops across Western Canada.